
more mac installation issues

kdlamb opened this issue · 2 comments

Okay, now I have some new (different) issues. When I try to run the 'make packages' command, I now get this error:

/Users/.../umoria-master/src/death.cpp:399:4: error: function declared
'[[noreturn]]' after its first declaration
[[ noreturn ]] void exitGame() {
/Users/.../umoria-master/src/externs.h:166:6: note: declaration missing
'[[noreturn]]' attribute is here
void exitGame();

I tried modifying line 166 in externs.h to add the noreturn attribute in the function declaration (I've added in spaces before/after attribute to preserve underscores here, but they aren't in the code):

void exitGame() __ attribute __((noreturn));

But I still got the same error; I'm not sure if I have the syntax wrong or there's something else I'm missing?

On macOS they actually symlink clang to gcc, and it is that which is causing the problem.
I will have have to do some work to fix this but for the short term there are two options.

  1. Install the latest GCC with Homebrew: brew install gcc. You will also need to manually symlink GCC: ln -s /usr/local/bin/gcc-7 /usr/local/bin/gcc and ln -s /usr/local/bin/g++-7 /usr/local/bin/g++.

  2. If you're only interested in playing the game then perhaps download the binary from the releases: https://github.com/dungeons-of-moria/umoria/releases/tag/v5.7.4

Otherwise you will have to wait until I've pushed up the fix.

Fixed by commit ede8d08