
streamlit 简单的登录事例

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streamlit 的cookie库挺坑的 这里我重新写了一份能用的 streamlit 登录后保持登录状态的事例


# NOTE: This feature uses browser local storage! AKA it stores data on a viewer's
# machine. This may have privacy and compliance implications for your app. Be sure
# to take that into account with any usage.

import json
from typing import Any
import uuid
import streamlit as st

# Requires `pip install streamlit-js`
# https://github.com/toolittlecakes/streamlit_js
from streamlit_js import st_js

KEY_PREFIX = "st_localstorage_"

class StLocalStorage:
    """An Dict-like wrapper around browser local storage.

    Values are stored JSON encoded."""

    def __init__(self):
        # Keep track of a UUID for each key to enable reruns
        if "_ls_unique_keys" not in st.session_state:
            st.session_state["_ls_unique_keys"] = {}

        # Hide the JS iframes
        self._container = st.container()
        with self._container:
                    .element-container:has(iframe[height="0"]) {
                        display: none;

    def __getitem__(self, key: str) -> Any:
        if key not in st.session_state["_ls_unique_keys"]:
            st.session_state["_ls_unique_keys"][key] = str(uuid.uuid4())
        code = f"""
        // The UUID changes on save, which causes this to rerun and update
        return JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('{KEY_PREFIX + key}'));
        with self._container:
            result = st_js(code, key=st.session_state["_ls_unique_keys"][key])
        if result and result[0]:
            return json.loads(result[0])
        return None

    def __setitem__(self, key: str, value: Any) -> None:
        value = json.dumps(value, ensure_ascii=False)
        st.session_state["_ls_unique_keys"][key] = str(uuid.uuid4())
        code = f"""
        console.debug('setting {key} to local storage');
        localStorage.setItem('{KEY_PREFIX + key}', JSON.stringify('{value}'));
        with self._container:
            return st_js(code, key=st.session_state["_ls_unique_keys"][key] + "_set")

    def __delitem__(self, key: str) -> None:
        st.session_state["_ls_unique_keys"][key] = str(uuid.uuid4())
        code = f"localStorage.removeItem('{KEY_PREFIX + key}');"
        with self._container:
            return st_js(code, key=st.session_state["_ls_unique_keys"][key] + "_del")

    def __contains__(self, key: str) -> bool:
        return self.__getitem__(key) is not None

    def get(self, key: str) -> Any:
            return self.__getitem__(key)
            return None

    def set(self, key: str, value: Any) -> None:
            self.__setitem__(key, value)
            return None


import streamlit as st
import st_local_storage
st_ls = st_local_storage.StLocalStorage()

login = st_ls.get('login')
if login:
    st.markdown(f"### 欢迎回来, **{login}**")
    if st.button("退出登录"):
        st_ls['login'] = None
    st.markdown("## 用户登录")
    username = st.text_input("用户名", max_chars=30, placeholder="输入用户名")
    password = st.text_input("密码", type="password", max_chars=30, placeholder="输入密码")
    if st.button("登录"):
        if username == 'admin' and password == 'admin':
            st_ls.set('login', username)


streamlit run login.py

would local storage work for multi-node scalable implementation?

would local storage work for multi-node scalable implementation?

This is just an example for maintaining state.

fyi, I'm building off of this: https://github.com/smboy/streamlit-auth (Forked)
You can check it out here: https://hugozhu.streamlit.app/
This seems to retain the user (google user or otherwise) and continues to maintain the state as it uses extra_streamlit_components and st.cache_data to store the user/session/uuid which is pretty good.
However, I have challenges navigating to other pages with this code.

fyi, I'm building off of this: https://github.com/smboy/streamlit-auth (Forked) You can check it out here: https://hugozhu.streamlit.app/ This seems to retain the user (google user or otherwise) and continues to maintain the state as it uses extra_streamlit_components and st.cache_data to store the user/session/uuid which is pretty good. However, I have challenges navigating to other pages with this code.


import streamlit as st
import asyncio

st.set_page_config(page_title="Translation Assistant", page_icon="🌐")

import st_local_storage
st_ls = st_local_storage.StLocalStorage()
login = st_ls.get('login')
if not login:
    st.warning("Please login first.")

async def translate_text(text, source_lang, target_lang):
    # Replace with actual API call
    await asyncio.sleep(1)  # Simulating API call
    return f"Translated: {text}"

async def main():
    st.title("🌐 Translation Assistant")

    source_lang = st.selectbox("Source Language", ["English", "Chinese", "Spanish"])
    target_lang = st.selectbox("Target Language", ["Chinese", "English", "Spanish"])

    text = st.text_area("Enter text to translate:")

    if st.button("Translate"):
        with st.spinner("Translating..."):
            translated_text = await translate_text(text, source_lang, target_lang)

if __name__ == "__main__":


import streamlit as st
import st_local_storage
st_ls = st_local_storage.StLocalStorage()

login = st_ls.get('login')
if login:
    st.markdown(f"### 欢迎回来, **{login}**")
    if st.button("退出登录"):
        st_ls['login'] = None
    st.markdown("## 用户登录")
    username = st.text_input("用户名", max_chars=30, placeholder="输入用户名")
    password = st.text_input("密码", type="password", max_chars=30, placeholder="输入密码")
    if st.button("登录"):
        if username == 'admin' and password == 'admin':
            st_ls.set('login', username)
streamlit run login.py

I tested the multi-page state retention with no problems