
Signed call not working

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Hi Duo team,

I've been trying to create admins using your Signed call function but I've been running into some errors. I pulled your code and pass in my information like so par := url.Values{} par.Set("name", "TestName") par.Set("email", "test@test.com") resp, _, err := duo.SignedCall("POST", "/admin/v1/admins", par)
problem is I get a 40103 error

    "code": 40103,
    "message": "Invalid signature in request credentials",
    "stat": "FAIL"

I checked the sign function that creates the hmac signature 
and the conanicalized information is this 

```Mon, 05 Apr 2021 18:21:16 +0000
it  seems write but that hmac signature I get generated is wrong I've even tested on an online hmac generator and they don't match up. I haven't modified your code so I'm not sure where the error is coming from

@seanbrhn3 what was the cause of this?