Version string is loaded from package.json
rfossella opened this issue · 4 comments
Hi. So I did a clean uninstall of @duosecurity/duo_universal and then did fresh install v2.0.2. I am now running into the same problem where the package.json file cannot be read in constants.js.
I verified this on two separate boxes after fresh install of 2.0.2 The examples package still works as it always did.
Did nothing out of the ordinary, AFAIK, just added it to my package.json and npm install. Also as a stand-alone install command of package. Am I missing any step(s)?
BTW, it seems that the previously working patch was using:
const package_json_1 = require("../package.json");
Does that sound right?
Good news. The latest fix from package-json-fix2 seems to have worked for me. Can we complete a new npm version?
PR was landed and should be released this week
FYI: my testing of v2.0.3 was successful. Thank you!