
set allowMultipleTokens(); per user

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( @dusterio )
Is it possible to make $allowMultipleTokens; functional per user instead of the whole application at once?


At first I thought it was maybe possible to check a custom boolean before using a password-grant and then call the method (or not), like so:

if( $User->allow_multiple_sessions ){

But what to do with the refresh token routes?

I hope anyone here has experience with this 'problem' or already built a solution for this?
Is this not recommended at all? Are there security-implications if I want to implement something like this?

After giving it a bit more thought:
my first conclusion is these functionalities should be built within Laravel/Lumen Passport package, am I right?

And secondly, maybe it is better to find a way to add/read custom data to the access/refresh tokens? Then I would be able to read a DB-value per user, and via this field I would run (something like)

if( $User->allow_multiple_sessions ){

Hopefully somebody has a better understanding to make this possible. OR I would like to know that I am thinking wrong :-)