
Authorize other applications on My oauth server

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Hello @dusterio

I am building a Lumen/Passport/Dusterio powered authentication/oauth platform for a bunch of services I am build later. One of the features I would like to have, would be the possibility of other devs set up a "Login with [My app]". Your port for Lumen allows everything until the authorization code flow.

You stated on your readme, that those built in routes from passport "had to go away" because they are session based.

I would like to know if is there any workaround that, maybe making those controllers stateless... Could you gide me/give me a hint on how to achieve this?

I could use full Laravel/Passaport to build this system, but I would have too much loaded for just this oauth functionality.

Thanks you in advance!

Have you found the solution? I seem to have the same problem...

Hello, please any solution to this ?