
Dependency Dashboard

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This issue lists Renovate updates and detected dependencies. Read the Dependency Dashboard docs to learn more.

⚠ Dependency Lookup Warnings ⚠

  • Renovate failed to look up the following dependencies: Failed to look up github-tags package twbs/grunt-sed.

Files affected: assets/lib/bootstrap/package.json

This repository currently has no open or pending branches.

Detected dependencies

  • html5shiv 3.7.3
  • respond.js 1.4.2
  • grunt 1.6.1
  • grunt-autoprefixer 3.0.4
  • grunt-contrib-watch 1.1.0
  • grunt-contrib-concat 2.1.0
  • grunt-contrib-cssmin 5.0.0
  • load-grunt-tasks 5.1.0
  • btoa 1.2.1
  • glob 10.2.6
  • grunt 1.6.1
  • grunt-autoprefixer 3.0.4
  • grunt-contrib-clean 2.0.1
  • grunt-contrib-compress 2.0.0
  • grunt-contrib-concat 2.1.0
  • grunt-contrib-connect 3.0.0
  • grunt-contrib-copy 1.0.0
  • grunt-contrib-csslint 2.0.0
  • grunt-contrib-cssmin 5.0.0
  • grunt-contrib-htmlmin 3.1.0
  • grunt-contrib-jade 1.0.0
  • grunt-contrib-jshint 3.2.0
  • grunt-contrib-less 3.0.0
  • grunt-contrib-qunit 7.0.0
  • grunt-contrib-uglify 5.2.2
  • grunt-contrib-watch 1.1.0
  • grunt-csscomb 4.2.0
  • grunt-exec 3.0.0
  • grunt-html 17.0.0
  • grunt-jekyll 1.0.1
  • grunt-jscs 3.0.1
  • grunt-saucelabs 9.0.1
  • grunt-sed v0.2.0
  • load-grunt-tasks 5.1.0
  • markdown-it 13.0.1
  • npm-shrinkwrap 200.5.1
  • time-grunt 1.4.0
  • node >=0.10.1

  • Check this box to trigger a request for Renovate to run again on this repository