How to search collection with keyword?
Closed this issue · 3 comments
kingkarki commented
What is the equivalent function to search from the collection.
For example Select name from tbl_users where name like '%adam%'
in mysql
How to do like on this lucidmongo?
duyluonglc commented
@kingkarki try to learn mongodb first. I think you can use {name: {$regex: /.adam./ }}
Nainabbas commented
i need this help too
dung-c2c-techhub commented
if (keyword) {
keyword = keyword.trim()
const regex = new RegExp(
keyword.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, '\\$&'),
condition.$or = [
{ _id: regex },
{ name: regex },
{ email: regex },
{ phone: regex }
and the query looks like this: