Instagram clone is a fully responsive social media app that is a mimic for Instagram built using ReactJS and ASP.Net Core.
I am still working on the project, this is not the final verison of it, I just make it public to get feedback and imporve it ... Happay-Eid 🎉🐏
Instanews is a fully responsive social media app that is a mimic for Instagram built using ReactJS and ASP.NET Core
This is an list of needed instructions to set up your project locally, to get a local copy up and running follow these instructuins.
- Clone the repository
$ git clone
- Navigate to repository directory
$ cd instagram-clone
- Install dependencies
$ cd client -> npm install
$ npm install
- Change your Connection String
In File instagram-clone/server/Instagram.API/appsettings.json, change your postgresSqlConnection to your ConnectionString.
Compiles and hot-reloads for development
$ cd client -> npm run dev
$ cd server/Instagram.API -> dotnet watch
I have finished the API but I haven't finished the interface part. 😂 😂