
Clone Instagram using ReactJS and ASP.NET Core

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Instagram clone

Instagram clone is a fully responsive social media app that is a mimic for Instagram built using ReactJS and ASP.Net Core.

Important Note

I am still working on the project, this is not the final verison of it, I just make it public to get feedback and imporve it ... Happay-Eid 🎉🐏


Instanews is a fully responsive social media app that is a mimic for Instagram built using ReactJS and ASP.NET Core

Build with

Getting Started

This is an list of needed instructions to set up your project locally, to get a local copy up and running follow these instructuins.


  1. Clone the repository
$ git clone https://github.com/duytuann/instagram-clone.git
  1. Navigate to repository directory
$ cd instagram-clone
  1. Install dependencies
$ cd client -> npm install
$ npm install
  1. Change your Connection String
In File instagram-clone/server/Instagram.API/appsettings.json, change your postgresSqlConnection to your ConnectionString.


Compiles and hot-reloads for development

$ cd client -> npm run dev
$ cd server/Instagram.API -> dotnet watch

Database Schema



Sign In and Sign Up (Security With JWT Bearer Token)

signin image

Post Media (Storage with Azure Blob Storage)


Profile Detail


Paging Comment and NewFeed


And More (Follow, UnFollow, Inbox, ...)

I have finished the API but I haven't finished the interface part. 😂 😂