Simple database migrations

Simple PHP database migrations


To run unit tests type composer run test.


To implement migrations into existed project add two classes into dependency injection container assuming that db dependency is a database connection (SimpleDatabase\Client\SqlConnectionInterface):

use SimpleDatabaseMigrations\Command\MigrationsCommand;
use SimpleDatabaseMigrations\Manager\MigrationsManager;

$container = $this->getContainer();
    ->setObject('migrationsManager', MigrationsManager::class, ['db'], [
        $container->get('baseDir') . '/src/Migration', 'MyProject\\Migration',
    ->setObject('migrationsCommand', MigrationsCommand::class, ['migrationsManager'])

Then create bin/migrations file with the following content:

#!/usr/bin/env php

use MyProject\Bootstrap;
use SimpleDatabaseMigrations\Command\MigrationsCommand;

$baseDir = realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/..');
require_once($baseDir . '/vendor/autoload.php');

$bootstrap = new Bootstrap($baseDir);

/** @var MigrationsCommand $command */
$command = $bootstrap


All migration commands works on a server on which application runs so on Docker container (access via Docker container's bash) in case of local environment. There is a list of available commands:

  • bin/migrations status - returns migrations status; supports the following flags:
    • --full - returns full information about migrations status,
  • bin/migrations create - creates empty migration file to fill with queries,
  • bin/migrations migrate - implements migrations; supports the following flags:
    • --remove-unknown - removes unknown migrations (record in database but no corresponding file),
  • bin/migrations migrate 1234567890 - implements or reverts migration to the given version (e.g. 1234567890),
  • bin/migrations migrate empty - reverts all migrations.