
Scouts signup form for WYD 2016

Primary LanguagePHP

Scouts signup form for WYD 2016


  • all environments:
    • stash/revert all not commited changes,
    • add and push new tag,
    • clear local caches,
    • generate assets using assetic:dump --env=prod command,
    • remove cache form app/cache dir,
    • temporarily change local parameters.yml to proper one,
    • pack app, public_html, src, vendor dirs, .htaccess and php.ini files from main dir, upload it and replace with existing ones, remember to copy data to public_html dir instead of replacing it,
    • make proper database migration (if manual, remember to add new migration versions to migration_versions table),
  • stage:
    • copy everything from public_html to private_html,
    • uncomment first line in .htaccess in public_html and private_html,
    • optionally remove .htaccess and php.ini files from main dir.