
`dva-core` CJS build relies on a `regeneratorRuntime` global, but it isn't defined

nicolo-ribaudo opened this issue · 1 comments

What happens?

(cross-posting from babel/babel#14568 (comment))

At line 445 of https://unpkg.com/browse/dva-core@2.0.4/dist/index.js, dva-core uses the regeneratorRuntime global (which is injected by Babel). However, that global variable is not defined anywhere.

There are three possible fixes:

  1. Add require("regenerator-runtime"), which defines the global regeneratorRuntime variable so that it can be used
  2. Use @babel/plugin-transform-runtime to inject the necessary @babel/runtime imports
  3. Update @babel/core and @babel/plugin-transform-regenerator to ^7.18.0, so that the compiled output doesn't rely on a regeneratorRuntime global anymore.

Surprisingly, the ESM build already follows the 2nd solution and thus isn't affected by this bug. You can see at line 316 of https://unpkg.com/browse/dva-core@2.0.4/dist/index.esm.js that it uses the local _regeneratorRuntime variable, imported at line 17.

Mini Showcase Repository(REQUIRED)

babel/babel#14568 (comment)


  • Dva Version: 2.0.4
  • Node Version: doesn't matter
  • Platform: doesn't matter

I tried understanding your build process and this might be a bug with https://github.com/umijs/father, but I cannot find where it's configured for this repository 😅

EDIT: Yes, this is a bug with father-build: it explicitly ignores the runtimeHelpers option (that you correctly configured in packages/dva-core/.fatherrc.js) when compiling CJS: https://github.com/umijs/father/blob/2be23ea5198d00b98ad67e92b6b92583a91353d7/packages/father-build/src/getRollupConfig.ts#L79

You could either choose solution (1) or (3), or we could repost this bug in 'father-build` so that (2) works for CJS as it does for ESM.