
node init.js ERROR

Closed this issue · 1 comments

poolxmr@pool-MS-7918:~/pool$ node init.js
2022-12-24 18:23:53 [master] Starting Cryptonote Node.JS pool version v2.0.0


SyntaxError: Unexpected token .
at Module._compile (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:760:23)
at Object.Module._extensions..js (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:827:10)
at Module.load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:685:32)
at Function.Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:620:12)
at Module.require (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:723:19)
at require (internal/modules/cjs/helpers.js:14:16)
at Object. (/home/poolxmr/pool/init.js:34:14)
at Module._compile (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:816:30)
at Object.Module._extensions..js (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:827:10)
at Module.load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:685:32)

"poolHost": "",

"coin": "monero",
"symbol": "XMR",
"coinUnits": 1000000000000,
"coinDecimalPlaces": 4,
"coinDifficultyTarget": 120,
"blockchainExplorer": "http://blockexplorer.arqma.com/block/{id}",
"transactionExplorer": "http://blockexplorer.arqma.com/tx/{id}",
"daemonType": "default",
"cnAlgorithm": "randomx",
"cnVariant": 0,
"cnBlobType": 0,
"includeHeight": true,
"isRandomX": true,

"logging": {
	"files": {
		"level": "info",
		"directory": "logs",
		"flushInterval": 5
	"console": {
		"level": "info",
		"colors": true
"childPools": null,
"poolServer": {
	"enabled": true,
	"mergedMining": false,
	"clusterForks": "auto",
	"poolAddress": "45UzcPWoPQpFPdruNN28Hiccn6GEkLoVhCZt3QLzUbSyaPvAVVFMfba2CpweX8zz983v9VUshf2EwGc3XdWwLWdNQKV3qLW",
	"intAddressPrefix": 19,
	"blockRefreshInterval": 1000,
	"minerTimeout": 900,
	"sslCert": "./cert.pem",
	"sslKey": "./privkey.pem",
	"sslCA": "./chain.pem",
	"ports": [
			"port": 3333,
			"difficulty": 5000,
			"desc": "Low end hardware"
			"port": 4444,
			"difficulty": 15000,
			"desc": "Mid range hardware"
			"port": 5555,
			"difficulty": 25000,
			"desc": "High end hardware"
			"port": 7777,
			"difficulty": 500000,
			"desc": "Cloud-mining / NiceHash"
			"port": 8888,
			"difficulty": 25000,
			"desc": "Hidden port",
			"hidden": true
			"port": 9999,
			"difficulty": 20000,
			"desc": "SSL connection",
			"ssl": true
	"varDiff": {
		"minDiff": 100,
		"maxDiff": 100000000,
		"targetTime": 120,
		"retargetTime": 60,
		"variancePercent": 30,
		"maxJump": 100
	"paymentId": {
		"addressSeparator": ".",
		"validation": false,
		"validations": ["1,16", "64"],
		"ban": true
	"fixedDiff": {
		"enabled": true,
		"addressSeparator": "."
	"shareTrust": {
		"enabled": true,
		"min": 10,
		"stepDown": 3,
		"threshold": 10,
		"penalty": 30
	"banning": {
		"enabled": true,
		"time": 600,
		"invalidPercent": 25,
		"checkThreshold": 30
	"slushMining": {
		"enabled": false,
		"weight": 300,
		"blockTime": 60,
		"lastBlockCheckRate": 1

"payments": {
	"enabled": true,
	"interval": 1800,
	"maxAddresses": 50,
	"mixin": 7,
	"priority": 0,
	"transferFee": 14000000000,
	"dynamicTransferFee": true,
	"minerPayFee": true,
	"minPayment": 1000000000000,
	"maxPayment": null,
	"maxTransactionAmount": 0,
	"denomination": 100000000000

"blockUnlocker": {
	"enabled": true,
	"interval": 30,
	"depth": 60,
	"poolFee": 0.8,
	"devDonation": 0.2,
	"networkFee": 0.0

"api": {
	"enabled": true,
	"hashrateWindow": 600,
	"updateInterval": 5,
	"bindIp": "",
	"port": 8117,
	"blocks": 30,
	"payments": 30,
	"password": "your_password",
	"ssl": false,
	"sslPort": 8119,
	"sslCert": "./cert.pem",
	"sslKey": "./privkey.pem",
	"sslCA": "./chain.pem",
	"trustProxyIP": true

"daemon": {
	"host": "",
	"port": 18081

"wallet": {
	"host": "",
	"port": 18082

"redis": {
	"host": "",
	"port": 6379,
	"auth": null,
	"db": 0,
	"cleanupInterval": 15

"notifications": {
	"emailTemplate": "email_templates/default.txt",
	"emailSubject": {
		"emailAdded": "Your email was registered",
		"workerConnected": "Worker %WORKER_NAME% connected",
		"workerTimeout": "Worker %WORKER_NAME% stopped hashing",
		"workerBanned": "Worker %WORKER_NAME% banned",
		"blockFound": "Block %HEIGHT% found !",
		"blockUnlocked": "Block %HEIGHT% unlocked !",
		"blockOrphaned": "Block %HEIGHT% orphaned !",
		"payment": "We sent you a payment !"
	"emailMessage": {
		"emailAdded": "Your email has been registered to receive pool notifications.",
		"workerConnected": "Your worker %WORKER_NAME% for address %MINER% is now connected from ip %IP%.",
		"workerTimeout": "Your worker %WORKER_NAME% for address %MINER% has stopped submitting hashes on %LAST_HASH%.",
		"workerBanned": "Your worker %WORKER_NAME% for address %MINER% has been banned.",
		"blockFound": "Block found at height %HEIGHT% by miner %MINER% on %TIME%. Waiting maturity.",
		"blockUnlocked": "Block mined at height %HEIGHT% with %REWARD% and %EFFORT% effort on %TIME%.",
		"blockOrphaned": "Block orphaned at height %HEIGHT% :(",
		"payment": "A payment of %AMOUNT% has been sent to %ADDRESS% wallet."
	"telegramMessage": {
		"workerConnected": "Your worker _%WORKER_NAME%_ for address _%MINER%_ is now connected from ip _%IP%_.",
		"workerTimeout": "Your worker _%WORKER_NAME%_ for address _%MINER%_ has stopped submitting hashes on _%LAST_HASH%_.",
		"workerBanned": "Your worker _%WORKER_NAME%_ for address _%MINER%_ has been banned.",
		"blockFound": "*Block found at height* _%HEIGHT%_ *by miner* _%MINER%_*! Waiting maturity.*",
		"blockUnlocked": "*Block mined at height* _%HEIGHT%_ *with* _%REWARD%_ *and* _%EFFORT%_ *effort on* _%TIME%_*.*",
		"blockOrphaned": "*Block orphaned at height* _%HEIGHT%_ *:(*",
		"payment": "A payment of _%AMOUNT%_ has been sent."

"email": {
	"enabled": false,
	"fromAddress": "your@email.com",
	"transport": "sendmail",
	"sendmail": {
		"path": "/usr/sbin/sendmail"
	"smtp": {
		"host": "smtp.example.com",
		"port": 587,
		"secure": false,
		"auth": {
			"user": "username",
			"pass": "password"
		"tls": {
			"rejectUnauthorized": false
	"mailgun": {
		"key": "your-private-key",
		"domain": "mg.yourdomain"

"telegram": {
	"enabled": false,
	"botName": "",
	"token": "",
	"channel": "",
	"channelStats": {
		"enabled": false,
		"interval": 30
	"botCommands": {
		"stats": "/stats",
		"report": "/report",
		"notify": "/notify",
		"blocks": "/blocks"

"monitoring": {
	"daemon": {
		"checkInterval": 60,
		"rpcMethod": "getblockcount"
	"wallet": {
		"checkInterval": 60,
		"rpcMethod": "getbalance"

"prices": {
	"source": "cryptonator",
	"currency": "USD"

"charts": {
	"pool": {
		"hashrate": {
			"enabled": true,
			"updateInterval": 60,
			"stepInterval": 1800,
			"maximumPeriod": 86400
		"miners": {
			"enabled": true,
			"updateInterval": 60,
			"stepInterval": 1800,
			"maximumPeriod": 86400
		"workers": {
			"enabled": true,
			"updateInterval": 60,
			"stepInterval": 1800,
			"maximumPeriod": 86400
		"difficulty": {
			"enabled": true,
			"updateInterval": 1800,
			"stepInterval": 10800,
			"maximumPeriod": 604800
		"price": {
			"enabled": true,
			"updateInterval": 1800,
			"stepInterval": 10800,
			"maximumPeriod": 604800
		"profit": {
			"enabled": true,
			"updateInterval": 1800,
			"stepInterval": 10800,
			"maximumPeriod": 604800
	"user": {
		"hashrate": {
			"enabled": true,
			"updateInterval": 180,
			"stepInterval": 1800,
			"maximumPeriod": 86400
		"worker_hashrate": {
			"enabled": true,
			"updateInterval": 60,
			"stepInterval": 60,
			"maximumPeriod": 86400
		"payments": {
			"enabled": true
	"blocks": {
		"enabled": true,
		"days": 30


Cideg commented


sudo add-apt-repository ppa:chris-lea/redis-server
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install redis-server

redis-server & redis-cli