
Tag Cycle Extension Should Cycle Through The Raw Text Instead of Surrounding The Raw Text With [Brackets]

shanrauf opened this issue · 2 comments

(I'll submit the PR for this if you'd like and you think this behavior should be added)

With the Tag Cycles extension, you're generally cycling between a set of pages (e.g [[TODO]], [[DONE]]). To create this cycle with the extension, I would write out the title as text (as opposed to with [[double brackets]]):


  • TODO
  • DONE

However, what if I change my TODO page's title to something else? (e.g [[Enqueued]]) If I change that page title to Enqueued, my cycling won't work as intended because it'll still use the [[TODO]] page.

The simple solution would be to cycle through the raw text instead of forecfully putting [[brackets]] around the text. Example:


  • d
  • [[TODO]]
  • [[DONE]]
  • asdf random text to replace [[DONE]]

Since people are already using the extension probably, it would break their systems to switch to something like this, but maybe we could add a setting to toggle this? (maybe have a RAW keyword similar to the HASH keyword??) I'd be willing to submit this PR.

In any case, thanks for the hard work, this extension solves my problem extremely well.

My apologies, there LITERALLY is the feature I'm describing already in the extension and I just didn't read the docs hard enough... Thanks for the hard work haha

haha glad you found it!