
Google Drive & Dropbox - Folder Management

dvargas92495 opened this issue · 1 comments

Ideally some kind of either renaming or nesting within different folders. Test case would be that you could easily find the file you were looking for (from the OS file explorer) if you had 500 files within the whole RoamJS directory because there was some natural sorting - like a folder with the name of the page of the original upload, or the folder is named with the tag(s) of the block file was nested under? Might be good to have a mouseover link to the file on dropbox.com itself?

if you added some kind of tag to any file uploaded to dropbox you could query files by tag, and if you take that to the extreme you could almost build a directory-like file system on top of roam, using tags as folders.

Also Introduce Bulk Uploading. What is the monetization opportunity here?

to recreate in the google/dropbox repos if relevant