
Tally extension does not update graph - only takes initial value

jmatthewpryor opened this issue · 5 comments

The documentation for the Tally extension says:

To save a value, or set an initial starting value for the counter, create a child block with the specified value.

But the code only takes its initial value from the graph - there is not updating of the graph

Likely needs

        block: { uid: blockUid, string: value },

somewhere in TallyCounter.tsx

This was intentional - users who initally requested this feature did not want to update the saved counter value upon updating. Setting the inital value involves manually editing the child block

NP - perhaps just an update to the docs for the extension then

What's the inconsistency? The snippet you blockquoted seem to align with current behavior

the way I read it left me with the impression that if I added a sub-block, then the value would get saved. I guess you can interpret it either way, but perhaps clearer to just say that updates via the UI are not saved to the graph - so it's clear

Doc changes Should be live