
Feature Request - Make todo-trigger optional on Daily Notes Page

JustinHatchett opened this issue · 2 comments

I'd love to see an option for the todo-trigger extension to be disabled on the daily notes page.

For my use case, on my daily page, I have lots of tasks that come in via SmartBlock (routines, etc.) but when ticking them off I obviously already know what day they belong to so it's a bit redundant since my trigger includes today's date. I love the use of the trigger elsewhere in Roam to keep track of what I did that day so something like this would be perfect.

Let me know if there are any questions about this use case and thanks for all of the awesome work @dvargas92495!

I could also see this being resolved with a separate shortcut or something that would keep todo-trigger from running. I'm a little on the fence with that one since it wouldn't be automatic, but it could be handy outside the DNP, so it may be worth considering.

implemented with new{now:skip dnp} template option