
[bug] serendipity adds reminders multiple times

wizzard0 opened this issue · 9 comments

Hi, trying the Serendipity plugin. Great idea, but a bit inconvenient in that it adds way too many blocks to the daily page. Always multiples of the number I set in the settings.

That is, if I set the count to 3, it might add 6 or even 15 blocks. If I set it to 2, then it would be 4, 6, 8 etc.

Currently I just set the count to 1, but would appreciate if I could set a fixed number :)

Also would be nice to be able to group all of them under one block - repeating tags seems a bit wasteful %)

upd: screenshot with count=1, in case it helps (can't find any specific logs in browser console). Reproduces with Chrome and Safari alike.

Oh and also examples show a configuration panel while I always see just a regular page. This is not a problem but might help with diagnostics I guess


This repeating behavior typically happens when using Roam across multiple devices. Is that the case in your situation?

Yes and no - one laptop is enough. But I do always keep multiple Roam tabs open as new ones open too slow

Could see that happening in that case as well. The only way around it would be to keep track of it in our own backend since it'll be a single source of truth. Smartblocks do this, have you checkout out the RANDOMBLOCKMENTION commands in smartblocks?


our own backend

localstorage is synchronous, and since last date is already tracked, shouldnt it be enough?

Thanks for the smartblocks suggestion, I started from it initially but find it to be overcomplicated %)

I would think so. Do you have a consistent set of steps that reproduce the issue that I could try to replicate it on my end?

well... I'd say it's enough to open multiple windows in Chrome side by side, but also I can't understand when exactly it adds the blocks so the STR right now sounds like "open 2 windows and wait up to 24h" :\

(tried to come up with a consistent repro but it either does not add anything or adds copies in this case)

Wasn't able to reproduce with multiple chrome windows. Would you be able to record a loom?

pushed a change awhile ago attempting to address