
JRE issue

ivoytov opened this issue · 2 comments

Trying to build the image with docker build . and getting this error. I also tried with the predecessor project "IB-Gateway" and got the same error message in the build process. Any ideas of why the bundled JVM wouldn't be matching? Assuming that this would be an issue for everyone?

 => ERROR [11/21] RUN yes n | /opt/TWS/ibgateway-stable-standalone-linux-  4.8s
 > [11/21] RUN yes n | /opt/TWS/ibgateway-stable-standalone-linux-x64.sh:
#15 1.997 Unpacking JRE ...
#15 4.317 Error unpacking jar files. The architecture or bitness (32/64)
#15 4.317 of the bundled JVM might not match your machine.
executor failed running [/bin/sh -c yes n | /opt/TWS/ibgateway-stable-standalone-linux-x64.sh]: exit code: 1
d3an commented

The build works for me, but I'm using docker-compose up --build -d.

Have the same issue,
did you finally move forward ?
Not sure this is related to version of JRE needed in ib gateway

I tried :
installing jre before running ib gateway installer on the docker file

Env : macos arm silicon