
NavigationDrawer not overlapping StatusBar

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Using the new Lib-Version 2.0.0 the NavigationDrawer does not overlap the StatusBar anymore when a selection was made and the toolbar returns to its "normal" state.

Presumably related to #32

Can you provide screenshots/logs? Also if you can please stick to the template of the issue and follow the headers would be great!

Here are some screenshots:

drawer overlapping status bar (correct)


drawer behind status bar (wrong)


As mentioned, this happens after a selection was made and the lib "restores" the toolbar (but actually, it just sets the icon and title to the one I specified in MultiChoiceToolbar#Builder()#setTitles().

I want a way to restore the full (correct) state before the lib changes the toolbar. This would include the title, icon, icon-animation (when opening the drawer it transforms from hamburger-icon to arrow-icon) etc.

I just realized that this happens only after the selection is finished (so it's still correct when selection is in progress). Maybe this helps identifying the problem.