
remove develop-branch

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Currently you have master and develop and feature-branches start from develop. But it seems like you forget to merge from master to develop from time to time after a release is made.

I could think of just removing develop and start all feature-branches from master (like the GitHub-flow suggests). This would be more easy for you and for contributors (who don't need to merge to branches to stay up-to-date).

What do you think?


Nope, master is protected, the only code that goes in is the release branch took out from develop, following the git-workflow, in fact every time I branch out for a release I use the UI tools from source tree that allow me to create feature branches, release branches from develop and then once a release is made and we close it, it'll automatically merge everything into developing and update master. If I forgot to close the release, this is another story 😂