
Is there a way to list existing block entries?

fivz opened this issue ยท 3 comments

fivz commented

Is there a way to list existing block entries?
Is there a way to choose some of them for removal?

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For unblocking, you can:

fds unblock
fds unblock China

(will update documentation)

Listing is not yet supported, but you can resort to ipset utility, e.g. since IPv4 block entries are put to networkblock4 IP set:

ipset -L networkblock4

Listing blocked countries is not there yet either. Each blocked country lives in its own IP set fds-<2-letter-country-code>-4, e.g. fds-cn-4, so for now again you can use ipset:

ipset -L -name | grep fds-

Added fds list blocked in the latest version.