
Unclear how to send a program change message

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To make a clip launcher (for the MC-707), i need to know how to send a program change, unfortunately I can't find example code on how to do this.

Is there a comprehensive guide that covers the basics?

Thanks in advance

hal_send_midi should work
use the standard byte id for program change from midi specification (i think its 0xCz where z is the channel you want, but it's off the top of my head i might be wrong)

Tried these and looking at the MIDI monitor, it seems to work correctly.

hal_send_midi(USBMIDI, 0xC2, 0xC3, 0);

For the DIN midi out i will need to use DINMIDI

Seeing how the MIDI channel is part of the STATUS (0xC2), I can see why it isn't part of the status constants.