
timestamp error

armm29393 opened this issue · 4 comments

[I] Getting stories for: someone.ig
[I] Story already exists: 2019-03-14_17-23-49.mp4
[I] Story already exists: 2019-03-15_08-34-27.mp4
[I] Story already exists: 2019-03-15_15-34-37.mp4
[E] An error occurred: timestamp out of range for platform time_t

You need to provide more information such as the command you have used

I used batch-file taken-at and no-thumb option then I remove taken-at no error

$ python pyinstastories.py --batch-file user.txt --taken-at --no-thumbs
[I] PYINSTASTORIES (SCRIPT V1.9 - PYTHON V2.7.13) - 12:54:36 AM
[I] Getting stories for: someone.ig
[I] Story already exists: 2019-03-15_08-34-27.mp4
[I] Story already exists: 2019-03-15_15-34-37.mp4
[E] An error occurred: timestamp out of range for platform time_t
$ python pyinstastories.py --batch-file user.txt --no-thumbs
[I] PYINSTASTORIES (SCRIPT V1.9 - PYTHON V2.7.13) - 12:46:23 AM
[I] Getting stories for: someone.ig
[I] Downloading video: 55343224_164838751174495_4336825842314686979_n.mp4
[I] Downloading video: 55390872_2043311455963526_8578014026521813004_n.mp4
[I] Downloading image: 52759758_644050246030534_8363319019446278753_n.jpg
[I] Downloading image: 52779085_622592841514917_5311221453515513616_n.jpg
[I] Story downloading ended with 2 new images and 2 new videos downloaded.

Thanks for answer :)

I can't reproduce this issue after testing with multiple users, but I'll add some extra error handling when trying to get the taken-at date for the stories.

Update to v2.0 and give it a try

It's work!! Thank you so much

[I] PYINSTASTORIES (SCRIPT V2.0 - PYTHON V2.7.13) - 01:02:46 AM
[I] Getting stories for: someone.ig
[I] Story already exists: 2019-03-15_08-34-27.mp4
[I] Story already exists: 2019-03-15_15-34-37.mp4
[E] Could not determine timestamp filename for this file, using default: 52759758_644050246030534_8363319019446278753_n.jpg
[I] Story already exists: 52759758_644050246030534_8363319019446278753_n.jpg
[I] Downloading image: 2019-03-15_16-32-31_BvCTwEdn7O7.jpg
[I] Story downloading ended with 1 new images and 0 new videos downloaded.