

helix333111 opened this issue · 3 comments

以 resnet-v2 为backbone,split=0, epoch = 200 , 训练之后的结果远没有达到 mIoU 61.7( pascal 5i 1shot fold 0)?

作者提供的模型可以达到61.7 ,是不是epoch 为200太少了,还是batch size 为4 太小了?

我的训练结果只有 mIoU 接近 50


Hi, thanks for your interest.

You can take reference from this issue:


We only use 1 GPU to train our model on PASCAL, and different Pytorch versions may cause different results.

Thank you.


If you have any further questions, feel free to re-open this issue.

Thank you~

Thank you !!