
The MIOU of "person"

WHL182 opened this issue · 2 comments

in your paper, there is "The class ‘Person’ in PASCAL-5i is not contained in ImageNet, and the baseline with the prior mask achieves 15.81 IoU, better than that without the prior mask (14.38)." but i load your provided weight(Resnet-50),i just get 10.63(miou of "person"). and i get 15.1(miou of "diningtable"). finally ,i find the test class is out-of-order in your test code(for example, the "diningtable" is first order in fold 3 in PASCAL-5i class, while you get last one in test result ). I hope you can give a message. Thank you!

Thanks for your interest. The released models are re-trained by this repo, so the results may be different.

Thank you!