
Questions about the backbone

DreamerrW opened this issue · 2 comments

hi, i'm learning your code,and i find a quesion in your PFENet.py file.

in line 204:
if self.vgg:
query_feat_2 = F.interpolate(query_feat_2, size=(query_feat_3.size(2),query_feat_3.size(3)), mode='bilinear', align_corners=True)

I want to ask that why the Resnet's out of conv2_layer and conv3_layer don't need interpolation to make their Feature maps the same size.

thank you for your reply!

Because the ResNet has used dilated convs that make the outputs of the last three layer blocks have the same spatial size, i.e., 1/8 of the input image's size.

I get it,Thank you!