router.cpp: handles the incoming packets and does forwarding, ARP requesting, ARP request queuing, ARP entry insertion, and ICMP echo-replying
arp-cache.cpp: stores ARP entries and ARP requests, periodically removes ARP entries if stale, sends ARP requests for each request in its queue
routing-table.cpp: computes from its routing table entries the longest matching prefix for the next hop given an destination IP
Must have latest version of VirtualBox (6.0.x) installed and Vagrant Tools
Boot VM and ssh in:
vagrant up
vagrant ssh
cd /vagrant
Run router, which supports a 2-server 1-client mininet topology (can be configured):
Run mininet:
sudo ./
Ping examples:
client ping server1
client ping server2
server1 ping server2
File transfer:
mininet> server1 /vagrant/server 5678 /vagrant/ &
mininet> client /vagrant/client server1 5678 /vagrant/SOME_FILE.file &