
Bad parsing and/or generation of instrumented code

armfazh opened this issue · 3 comments

Issue: The code of the function times3 produced by instrumentation is wrong.

This is the minimal reproducible example.

File: fuzz.go

package fuzz

func timesN(b []byte, n int) { b[0] *= byte(n) }
func times3(b []byte)        { timesN(b, 3) }

func times5(b []byte)

func Fuzz(data []byte) int {

	return 0

File: times.s

#include "textflag.h"

TEXT ·times5(SB), NOSPLIT,$0


 $ go-fuzz-build


 $ go-fuzz-build
    fuzz.go:4: can only use //go:noescape with external func implementations
Instrumented code (wrong)
//line /home/user/bug/fuzz.go:1
package fuzz

//line /home/user/bug/fuzz.go:1
import _go_fuzz_dep_ "go-fuzz-dep"

func timesN(b []byte, n int)	{ _go_fuzz_dep_.CoverTab[22588]++; b[0] *= byte(n) }
func times3(b []byte)		{ _go_fuzz_dep_.CoverTab[

//line /home/user/bug/fuzz.go:4
44810]++; timesN(b, 3) }

//line /home/user/bug/fuzz.go:7
func times5(b []byte)

//line /home/user/bug/fuzz.go:10
func Fuzz(data []byte) int {
//line /home/user/bug/fuzz.go:10

							return 0

//line /home/user/bug/fuzz.go:15
var _ = _go_fuzz_dep_.CoverTab
Instrumented code (expected/correct)
//line /home/user/bug/fuzz.go:1
package fuzz

//line /home/user/bug/fuzz.go:1
import _go_fuzz_dep_ "go-fuzz-dep"

func timesN(b []byte, n int)	{ _go_fuzz_dep_.CoverTab[22588]++; b[0] *= byte(n) }
func times3(b []byte)		{ _go_fuzz_dep_.CoverTab[44810]++;
//line /home/user/bug/fuzz.go:4
    timesN(b, 3) 

//line /home/user/bug/fuzz.go:7
func times5(b []byte)

//line /home/user/bug/fuzz.go:10
func Fuzz(data []byte) int {
//line /home/user/bug/fuzz.go:10

							return 0

//line /home/user/bug/fuzz.go:15
var _ = _go_fuzz_dep_.CoverTab

One quick workaround is to define times3 as:

func times3(b []byte) { 
    timesN(b, 3) 

The build completes successfully, but the parsing bug is still there.

Wonder if it's go/ast bug and affects go tool cover too.

Seems like a corner case go/ast or go/printer bug. Our could have to do with exactly how we insert the coverage statement. Needs investigation.

This doesn't affect go tool cover, since it doesn't use go/ast or go/printer any more. It uses plain text editing (internal package edit). I'd really like to use that for go-fuzz, but we lose handy //line printing. I've described the difficulties here at length somewhere in a go-fuzz issue, don't recall where now.