
How to handle complex input data in fuzz tests?

KubaTrojan opened this issue · 2 comments


I am wondering how to transform (best way) a slice of bytes input from fuzzer to desirable more complex go structure which will be put into tested method.


func Fuzz(data []byte) int {
	type structA struct {
		a uint64
		b []string
		c int
		d map[string]int

	fulfilledStruct := prepareStructure(data)


	return 0

How prepareStructure() method should look like? Should I split the given data into few parts and then convert it somehow according to types of struct fields?

Are there some plans to provide structure-aware fuzzing in go-fuzz in the nearest future?

Hi @KubaTrojan,

I don't think there is "the best" way w/o proper support from the fuzzer. So whatever best-effort way you will figure out. And I guess for such complex types as map[string]int it's not trivial and won't be too good.

There are no plans to improve anything in go-fuzz. At this point it's superseded by the native fuzzing support:
I see it already supports structure-aware fuzzing in a limited form:

go-fuzz-headers solves the issue of transforming the byte slice to structs.