
Inspector fails to load giving "Error: Unexpected token < in JSON at position 0"

ozlemsalehi opened this issue · 8 comments

I am using Windows 10 and Chrome Browser.

When I call dwave.inspector.show(sampleset) from the Jupyter Notebook, I am getting the error

"Error: Unexpected token < in JSON at position 0".

Can you please provide additional details to help us reproduce this problem:

  • are you using JupyterLab, or something else?
  • do you run it natively, or in a (docker) container, VM, etc?
  • what's your python version?
  • pip/conda?
  • what's your ocean version, alternatively, dwave-inspector version?


  • I am using Jupyter Notebook 5.7.8
  • I run it directly from Windows
  • Phyton version 3.7.3
  • conda 4.10.0 pip 21.0.1
  • Dwave Cloud Client: 0.8.1 Dwave-inspector 0.2.5

Thank you.

It does not always happen by the way but I don't have an idea why it happens. When this happens, I have to restart the kernel as otherwise the cell is stuck running.

That's helpful. Can you correlate failures with the problem you're inspecting, or other changes in env?

Hey @ozlemsalehi, would you happen to have numpy types included in the sampled bqm, by any chance? See #127.

Nope, this was not the case.

Thank you!

Would you be able to share a minimal code sample that reproduces this issue?

Fixed with #135.