
Error when trying to use 8.1.0RC5

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ARG VERSION=8.1.0RC5-fpm-buster-nginx-1.21.1
FROM dwchiang/nginx-php-fpm:${VERSION}

The error I'm receiving is

ERROR: Service 'dockeraws' failed to build: manifest for dwchiang/nginx-php-fpm:8.1.0RC5-fpm-buster-nginx-1.21.1 not found: manifest unknown: manifest unknow

Also are their any images available that support he lastest version of PHP 8.1.4 ?

Sorry for the late reply. I finally managed to combine multiple versions of PHP x nginx x OS last weekend, and the good news is... yes! Now it comes with latest PHP 8.1.7 and 8.2 alpha :)

Please give it a try, and let me know if everything works.