
How to generate kernel.img files?

surya2891 opened this issue · 4 comments

HI David,

Your tutorials helps a lot in understanding the bare metal programming. thanks :)

I'm using a Raspberry pi 2 and attempting to compile and generate the kernel image, with modifications. Hitting make in my RPI 2 OS for the programs doesnt seem to work for me. It throws "arm-none-eabi-as command not found" error..

Any suggestions..


i was able to pull it off, rather than using the cross compilers, i used the native one on my board and that saved my life :)
That was one of my worst nightmares yesterday, i should say!!


Just install minGW and yagarto on windows. After that check your environment whether it has string like this C:\yagarto-20121222\bin;C:\MinGW\bin;
If not,add it.Then open cmd window, input cd /d blinkerxxx enter input mingw32-make enter, done.
And you can also rename mingw32-make.exe to make.exe under C:\MinGW\bin, then just input make can also generate img file.

I think I have a pitopi directory where it should tell you to remove the arm-none-stuff and just use gcc and as and ld. you might try these pre-built cross compilers for linux or windows or mac. https://launchpad.net/gcc-arm-embedded

On Ubuntu 16.04 simply:

sudo apt-get install binutils-arm-none-eabi gcc-arm-none-eabi