
for technical examination

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Todo App MERN

A Simple Todo App

LIVE: https://dwghdev.github.io/todo-app-MERN

API: https://todo-api-mern-exam.herokuapp.com/api


Application View Sample

Getting Started

  • clone the project and then start the project
  git clone https://github.com/dwghdev/todo-app-MERN 
  cd todo-app-MERN

  # open server
    cd server
    npm install
    npm start

  # open client
    cd ../client
    npm install
    npm start

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  • create a todo with title and description.
  • edit/update a todo with title and description.
  • filter a todos if completed, active or all.
  • deleting a todo and invalidating the list.
  • marking a todo as completed or active.

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API Routes

Create a todo task: POST /todos

Get all todo tasks: GET /todos

Get todo task by id: GET /todos/:id

Update/Edit a todo task : PUT /todos/:id

Delete/Remove todo task : DELETE /todos/:id

Get completed todo tasks: GET /todos?isCompleted=true

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