
treat brave browser like Google Chrome

house9 opened this issue · 2 comments

The brave browser is based on the Chromium web browser and it supports Google Chrome extensions; in theory it should be able to leverage the existing talon community chrome.py scripts.

I did try to modify some of the community scripts, but i was unsuccessful. I may try again later when I have more free time.

on my machine the bundle id appears to be: com.brave.Browser

osascript -e 'id of app "Brave"'


dwiel commented

What was unsuccessful?

I tried adding it to all the same bundles as Chrome, but none of the commands worked for either Brave or Chrome at that point, didn't see any errors in logs; Talon just stopped recognizing any of the commands like the context was not active.

I'll do a more in-depth look again later, its probably something basic I am missing.