
Database Migrations not published in L5

Closed this issue · 3 comments

I've just found quite a minor issue. The Migrations aren't published by default, so that the Tables are missing on a virgin install.

Im not experienced in Package Dev but I suppose it could be solved by adding sth. like

    __DIR__.'/../database/migrations/' => base_path('/database/migrations')
], 'migrations');

to Watson\Autologin\AutologinServiceProvider->boot()

Hope this helps!

I published a 0.3.2 release shortly after the fix earlier today. I'm not sure migrations publish automatically in Laravel 5 (they didn't in Laravel 4) but the readme now contains the commands to publish the config and migrations for your project.

Alright, sorry, didn't see that.

No worries, was going to say let me know if it doesn't work but I'll assume now that it's okay!