Model table within a different model
nickkecooper opened this issue · 1 comments
Hey guys I wanted to know if anyone could point me in the right direction to include a table from one model into another. So if I make a model that has a relationship to a customer and it has many I would like to phrase the table out with the ones that compare to that user. I was able to get that information into it by `
$equipment = DB::table('equipment')->where('customer', '=', $customer['id'])->get();
<table id="example1" class="table table-bordered">
<tr class="success">
@foreach( $equipment as $col )
<th>{{ $col->type }}</th>
But this method seems to not work great. If the customer does not have a relation it will show blank rows in the table. The table also doesn't display the title of the rows of the table properly.
You can use the ORM relationships that's already built on Laravel:
For your use case it will look something like:
@foreach( $customer->equipments as $e )
<th>{{ $e->type }}</th>
Hope it helps