unable to update to lean nightly 2021-11-25
Closed this issue · 3 comments
dwrensha commented
This works in nightly 2021-11-24:
def maze1 := ┌───┐
example : can_escape maze1 := by
apply step_west
but in 2021-11-25, the simp
step errors out with:
application type mismatch
(update_state_with_row_aux 0 (0 + 1) [CellContents.wall, CellContents.wall]
(game_state_from_cells_aux { x := 3, y := 3 } (0 + 1)
[[CellContents.empty, CellContents.player, CellContents.wall],
[CellContents.wall, CellContents.wall, CellContents.wall]])).position)
argument has type
(update_state_with_row_aux 0 (0 + 1) [CellContents.wall, CellContents.wall]
(game_state_from_cells_aux { x := 3, y := 3 } (0 + 1)
[[CellContents.empty, CellContents.player, CellContents.wall],
[CellContents.wall, CellContents.wall, CellContents.wall]])).position =
(update_state_with_row_aux 0 (0 + 1) [CellContents.wall, CellContents.wall]
(game_state_from_cells_aux { x := 3, y := 3 } (0 + 1)
[[CellContents.empty, CellContents.player, CellContents.wall],
[CellContents.wall, CellContents.wall, CellContents.wall]])).position
but function has type
(fun s =>
(update_state_with_row_aux 0 (0 + 1) [CellContents.wall, CellContents.wall]
(game_state_from_cells_aux { x := 3, y := 3 } (0 + 1)
[[CellContents.empty, CellContents.player, CellContents.wall],
[CellContents.wall, CellContents.wall, CellContents.wall]])).position.2 =
(update_state_with_row_aux 0 (0 + 1) [CellContents.wall, CellContents.wall]
(game_state_from_cells_aux { x := 3, y := 3 } (0 + 1)
[[CellContents.empty, CellContents.player, CellContents.wall],
[CellContents.wall, CellContents.wall, CellContents.wall]])).position →
∀ {b : Coords},
(update_state_with_row_aux 0 (0 + 1) [CellContents.wall, CellContents.wall]
(game_state_from_cells_aux { x := 3, y := 3 } (0 + 1)
[[CellContents.empty, CellContents.player, CellContents.wall],
[CellContents.wall, CellContents.wall, CellContents.wall]])).position =
b →
(fun s =>
(update_state_with_row_aux 0 (0 + 1) [CellContents.wall, CellContents.wall]
(game_state_from_cells_aux { x := 3, y := 3 } (0 + 1)
[[CellContents.empty, CellContents.player, CellContents.wall],
[CellContents.wall, CellContents.wall, CellContents.wall]])).position.2 =
One of these commits must be to blame:
On a cursory glance, the last one seems most suspicious to me.
dwrensha commented
Self-contained example that hits the error on nightly-2021-12-10:
import Lean
-- Coordinates in a two dimensional grid. ⟨0,0⟩ is the upper left.
structure Coords where
x : Nat -- column number
y : Nat -- row number
deriving BEq
instance : ToString Coords where
toString := (λ ⟨x,y⟩ => String.join ["Coords.mk ", toString x, ", ", toString y])
structure GameState where
size : Coords -- coordinates of bottom-right cell
position : Coords -- row and column of the player
walls : List Coords -- maze cells that are not traversible
-- We define custom syntax for GameState.
declare_syntax_cat game_cell
declare_syntax_cat game_cell_sequence
declare_syntax_cat game_row
declare_syntax_cat horizontal_border
declare_syntax_cat game_top_row
declare_syntax_cat game_bottom_row
syntax "─" : horizontal_border
syntax "\n┌" horizontal_border* "┐\n" : game_top_row
syntax "└" horizontal_border* "┘\n" : game_bottom_row
syntax "░" : game_cell -- empty
syntax "▓" : game_cell -- wall
syntax "@" : game_cell -- player
syntax "│" game_cell* "│\n" : game_row
syntax:max game_top_row game_row* game_bottom_row : term
inductive CellContents where
| empty : CellContents
| wall : CellContents
| player : CellContents
def update_state_with_row_aux : Nat → Nat → List CellContents → GameState → GameState
| currentRowNum, currentColNum, [], oldState => oldState
| currentRowNum, currentColNum, cell::contents, oldState =>
let oldState' := update_state_with_row_aux currentRowNum (currentColNum+1) contents oldState
match cell with
| CellContents.empty => oldState'
| CellContents.wall => {oldState' .. with
walls := ⟨currentColNum,currentRowNum⟩::oldState'.walls}
| CellContents.player => {oldState' .. with
position := ⟨currentColNum,currentRowNum⟩}
def update_state_with_row : Nat → List CellContents → GameState → GameState
| currentRowNum, rowContents, oldState => update_state_with_row_aux currentRowNum 0 rowContents oldState
-- size, current row, remaining cells -> gamestate
def game_state_from_cells_aux : Coords → Nat → List (List CellContents) → GameState
| size, _, [] => ⟨size, ⟨0,0⟩, []⟩
| size, currentRow, row::rows =>
let prevState := game_state_from_cells_aux size (currentRow + 1) rows
update_state_with_row currentRow row prevState
-- size, remaining cells -> gamestate
def game_state_from_cells : Coords → List (List CellContents) → GameState
| size, cells => game_state_from_cells_aux size 0 cells
def termOfCell : Lean.Macro
| `(game_cell| ░) => `(CellContents.empty)
| `(game_cell| ▓) => `(CellContents.wall)
| `(game_cell| @) => `(CellContents.player)
| _ => Lean.Macro.throwError "unknown game cell"
def termOfGameRow : Nat → Lean.Macro
| expectedRowSize, `(game_row| │$cells:game_cell*│) =>
do if cells.size != expectedRowSize
then Lean.Macro.throwError "row has wrong size"
let cells' ← Array.mapM termOfCell cells
| _, _ => Lean.Macro.throwError "unknown game row"
| `(┌ $tb:horizontal_border* ┐
└ $bb:horizontal_border* ┘) =>
do let rsize := Lean.Syntax.mkNumLit (toString rows.size)
let csize := Lean.Syntax.mkNumLit (toString tb.size)
if tb.size != bb.size then Lean.Macro.throwError "top/bottom border mismatch"
let rows' ← Array.mapM (termOfGameRow tb.size) rows
`(game_state_from_cells ⟨$csize,$rsize⟩ [$rows',*])
-- Now we define a delaborator that will cause GameState to be rendered as a maze.
def extractXY : Lean.Expr → Lean.MetaM Coords
| e => do
let e':Lean.Expr ← (Lean.Meta.whnf e)
let sizeArgs := Lean.Expr.getAppArgs e'
let f := Lean.Expr.getAppFn e'
let x ← Lean.Meta.whnf sizeArgs[0]
let y ← Lean.Meta.whnf sizeArgs[1]
let numCols := (Lean.Expr.natLit? x).get!
let numRows := (Lean.Expr.natLit? y).get!
Coords.mk numCols numRows
partial def extractWallList : Lean.Expr → Lean.MetaM (List Coords)
| exp => do
let exp':Lean.Expr ← (Lean.Meta.whnf exp)
let f := Lean.Expr.getAppFn exp'
if f.constName!.toString == "List.cons"
then let consArgs := Lean.Expr.getAppArgs exp'
let rest ← extractWallList consArgs[2]
let ⟨wallCol, wallRow⟩ ← extractXY consArgs[1]
(Coords.mk wallCol wallRow) :: rest
else [] -- "List.nil"
partial def extractGameState : Lean.Expr → Lean.MetaM GameState
| exp => do
let exp': Lean.Expr ← (Lean.Meta.whnf exp)
let gameStateArgs := Lean.Expr.getAppArgs exp'
let size ← extractXY gameStateArgs[0]
let playerCoords ← extractXY gameStateArgs[1]
let walls ← extractWallList gameStateArgs[2]
pure ⟨size, playerCoords, walls⟩
def update2dArray {α : Type} : Array (Array α) → Coords → α → Array (Array α)
| a, ⟨x,y⟩, v =>
Array.set! a y $ Array.set! (Array.get! a y) x v
def update2dArrayMulti {α : Type} : Array (Array α) → List Coords → α → Array (Array α)
| a, [], v => a
| a, c::cs, v =>
let a' := update2dArrayMulti a cs v
update2dArray a' c v
def delabGameRow : (Array Lean.Syntax) → Lean.PrettyPrinter.Delaborator.Delab
| a => `(game_row| │ $a:game_cell* │)
def delabGameState : Lean.Expr → Lean.PrettyPrinter.Delaborator.Delab
| e =>
do guard $ e.getAppNumArgs == 3
let ⟨⟨numCols, numRows⟩, playerCoords, walls⟩ ←
try extractGameState e
catch err => failure -- can happen if game state has variables in it
let topBar := Array.mkArray numCols $ ← `(horizontal_border| ─)
let emptyCell ← `(game_cell| ░)
let emptyRow := Array.mkArray numCols emptyCell
let emptyRowStx ← `(game_row| │$emptyRow:game_cell*│)
let allRows := Array.mkArray numRows emptyRowStx
let a0 := Array.mkArray numRows $ Array.mkArray numCols emptyCell
let a1 := update2dArray a0 playerCoords $ ← `(game_cell| @)
let a2 := update2dArrayMulti a1 walls $ ← `(game_cell| ▓)
let aa ← Array.mapM delabGameRow a2
-- The attribute [delab] registers this function as a delaborator for the GameState.mk constructor.
@[delab app.GameState.mk] def delabGameStateMk : Lean.PrettyPrinter.Delaborator.Delab := do
let e ← Lean.PrettyPrinter.Delaborator.SubExpr.getExpr
delabGameState e
-- We register the same elaborator for applications of the game_state_from_cells function.
@[delab app.game_state_from_cells] def delabGameState' : Lean.PrettyPrinter.Delaborator.Delab :=
do let e ← Lean.PrettyPrinter.Delaborator.SubExpr.getExpr
let e' ← (Lean.Meta.whnf e)
delabGameState e'
inductive Move where
| east : Move
| west : Move
| north : Move
| south : Move
def make_move : GameState → Move → GameState
| ⟨s, ⟨x,y⟩, w⟩, Move.east =>
if w.notElem ⟨x+1, y⟩ ∧ x + 1 ≤ s.x
then ⟨s, ⟨x+1, y⟩, w⟩
else ⟨s, ⟨x,y⟩, w⟩
| ⟨s, ⟨x,y⟩, w⟩, Move.west =>
if w.notElem ⟨x-1, y⟩
then ⟨s, ⟨x-1, y⟩, w⟩
else ⟨s, ⟨x,y⟩, w⟩
| ⟨s, ⟨x,y⟩, w⟩, Move.north =>
if w.notElem ⟨x, y-1⟩
then ⟨s, ⟨x, y-1⟩, w⟩
else ⟨s, ⟨x,y⟩, w⟩
| ⟨s, ⟨x,y⟩, w⟩, Move.south =>
if w.notElem ⟨x, y + 1⟩ ∧ y + 1 ≤ s.y
then ⟨s, ⟨x, y+1⟩, w⟩
else ⟨s, ⟨x,y⟩, w⟩
def is_win : GameState → Prop
| ⟨⟨sx, sy⟩, ⟨x,y⟩, w⟩ => x = 0 ∨ y = 0 ∨ x + 1 = sx ∨ y + 1 = sy
def can_escape (state : GameState) : Prop :=
∃ (gs : List Move), is_win (List.foldl make_move state gs)
theorem can_still_escape (g : GameState) (m : Move) (hg : can_escape (make_move g m)) : can_escape g :=
have ⟨pms, hpms⟩ := hg
Exists.intro (m::pms) hpms
theorem step_west
{s: Coords}
{x y : Nat}
{w: List Coords}
(hclear' : w.notElem ⟨x,y⟩)
(W : can_escape ⟨s,⟨x,y⟩,w⟩) :
can_escape ⟨s,⟨x+1,y⟩,w⟩ :=
by have hmm : GameState.mk s ⟨x,y⟩ w = make_move ⟨s,⟨x+1, y⟩,w⟩ Move.west :=
by have h' : x + 1 - 1 = x := rfl
simp [h', hclear']
rw [hmm] at W
exact can_still_escape ⟨s,⟨x+1,y⟩,w⟩ Move.west W
theorem step_east
{s: Coords}
{x y : Nat}
{w: List Coords}
(hclear' : w.notElem ⟨x+1,y⟩)
(hinbounds : x + 1 ≤ s.x)
(E : can_escape ⟨s,⟨x+1,y⟩,w⟩) :
can_escape ⟨s,⟨x, y⟩,w⟩ :=
by have hmm : GameState.mk s ⟨x+1,y⟩ w = make_move ⟨s, ⟨x,y⟩,w⟩ Move.east :=
by simp [hclear', hinbounds]
rw [hmm] at E
exact can_still_escape ⟨s, ⟨x,y⟩, w⟩ Move.east E
theorem step_north
{s: Coords}
{x y : Nat}
{w: List Coords}
(hclear' : w.notElem ⟨x,y⟩)
(N : can_escape ⟨s,⟨x,y⟩,w⟩) :
can_escape ⟨s,⟨x, y+1⟩,w⟩ :=
by have hmm : GameState.mk s ⟨x,y⟩ w = make_move ⟨s,⟨x, y+1⟩,w⟩ Move.north :=
by have h' : y + 1 - 1 = y := rfl
simp [h', hclear']
rw [hmm] at N
exact can_still_escape ⟨s,⟨x,y+1⟩,w⟩ Move.north N
theorem step_south
{s: Coords}
{x y : Nat}
{w: List Coords}
(hclear' : w.notElem ⟨x,y+1⟩)
(hinbounds : y + 1 ≤ s.y)
(S : can_escape ⟨s,⟨x,y+1⟩,w⟩) :
can_escape ⟨s,⟨x, y⟩,w⟩ :=
by have hmm : GameState.mk s ⟨x,y+1⟩ w = make_move ⟨s,⟨x, y⟩,w⟩ Move.south :=
by simp [hclear', hinbounds]
rw [hmm] at S
exact can_still_escape ⟨s,⟨x,y⟩,w⟩ Move.south S
def escape_west {sx sy : Nat} {y : Nat} {w : List Coords} : can_escape ⟨⟨sx, sy⟩,⟨0, y⟩,w⟩ :=
⟨[], Or.inl rfl⟩
def escape_east {sy x y : Nat} {w : List Coords} : can_escape ⟨⟨x+1, sy⟩,⟨x, y⟩,w⟩ :=
⟨[], Or.inr $ Or.inr $ Or.inl rfl⟩
def escape_north {sx sy : Nat} {x : Nat} {w : List Coords} : can_escape ⟨⟨sx, sy⟩,⟨x, 0⟩,w⟩ :=
⟨[], Or.inr $ Or.inl rfl⟩
def escape_south {sx x y : Nat} {w: List Coords} : can_escape ⟨⟨sx, y+1⟩,⟨x, y⟩,w⟩ :=
⟨[], Or.inr $ Or.inr $ Or.inr rfl⟩
-- Define an "or" tactic combinator, like <|> in Lean 3.
elab t1:tactic " ⟨|⟩ " t2:tactic : tactic =>
try Lean.Elab.Tactic.evalTactic t1
catch err => Lean.Elab.Tactic.evalTactic t2
elab "fail" m:term : tactic => throwError m
macro "out" : tactic => `(apply escape_north ⟨|⟩ apply escape_south ⟨|⟩
apply escape_east ⟨|⟩ apply escape_west ⟨|⟩
fail "not currently at maze boundary")
def maze1 := ┌───┐
example : can_escape maze1 := by
apply step_west
dwrensha commented
Confirmed that leanprover/lean4@a8f4146 is what caused this to break.
dwrensha commented
Fixed by leanprover/lean4@0a81093