
Visualizing word sense and domain shift in BERT representations

Primary LanguagePython


This repo implements the BERT word sense visualization described in section 4.1 of Visualizing and Measuring the Geometry of BERT. I have found it useful for investigating domain shift for a given word, e.g., the word "die" in the above example (Toys and Games vs. Video Games from Julian McAuley's Amazon Review dataset).


In docker-compose.yaml:

  • Edit the MODEL_DIR and CKPT_NAME environmental variables of the bert-server service to point to the BERT model directory and checkpoint (this project uses Han Xiao's bert-as-a-service, see its README for more info).

  • Edit the INPUT_FILES environmental variable in the bert-vis service to point to line-delimited input files, each of which will be mapped to a different colored marker in the visualization.

Run docker-compose up bert-vis to start the visualization service. The visualization runs using Bokeh on http://localhost:5006/vis. By default, the BERT model runs as a single process on CPU and up to 500 matching sentences per input file will be visualized.