
Proposed MVP feature list

iteles opened this issue ยท 4 comments

Based on #262, I propose that the following features are our MVP features:

  • Easily capture text #234
    • Mark text as 'note' or 'task'
  • View all items on your list
  • Complete a task
  • Reorder items for a prioritised list - this isn't specifically on anyone's list, but I feel that the app will be unusable without this in the short term (until we have scheduling and goals)
  • Track time against an item/start and stop timers #265
  • Categorise items (at any point in the workflow) #235 + #245
  • Sign in so that there is an individual view of the to-do list (this will also enable all future team functionality so it would be useful to have and it would be good if items in our db have owners from the very beginning.
  • Welcome email sent, as per #267 and #266 (comment)

NB. PWA is not an MVP feature.

@nelsonic @SimonLab @RobStallion @LuchoTurtle Have I missed out anything critical? Have I included something totally expendable?

My next step is to put together a proposed UI for these. #261

For me, the next key features are filtering, analysis, scheduling and goals.

@iteles agree with all the items you've listed above and would only add one extra one: email #267 ๐Ÿ’Œ

@iteles this first list sounds good to me!
I think having the UI will also help us to determine the details of each features ๐Ÿ‘

@iteles I don't think anything's missing sounds too good. ๐Ÿ‘

The MVP https://mvp.fly.dev has most of the features listed in the OP. ๐ŸŽ‰
The only two [fairly major] features we don't have in the MVP are:
categorising and changing the kind of an item. ๐Ÿ“ฅ
We need to study the UI/UX of how we are going to achieve this ๐Ÿ’ญ
and then figure out the simplest way to enable it from an API/Backend perspective. ๐Ÿšง