
EPIC: Link Shortening

nelsonic opened this issue ยท 2 comments

As a person wanting to share links to items of content and shorten links to external resources,
I want to have an automatic link shortening service
that keeps link length to a minimum and has advanced tracking features.

Related to #279


  • Collect the required/desired features into this EPIC #HelpWanted ๐Ÿ™
  • Read any examples of Open Source Link shorteners for inspiration ๐Ÿ‘€
  • Build an MVP link shortener App (Tutorial) ๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€๐Ÿ’ป
  • Integrated it back into the App as we think it will be a "core" feature. ๐Ÿ”™

Required Features

  • Store url as Fields.UrlEncrypted to maintain privacy
  • Shorten the link to either a numeric (e.g: dwyl.co/123) or a base58 cid (e.g: dwyl.co/gVS)

Desirable Features

  • Crawl the url and get the page.title and check for any images.
  • If the url is to a GitHub page, attempt to "interpret" it using https://github.com/nelsonic/github-scraper to extract any relevant data. e.g: an issue will have a title, description, assignee, state and labels nelsonic/github-scraper#103
  • Allow people to specify their desired short url e.g: dwyl.co/welcome
  • Or to pick their Twitter/GitHub username as the base of the link and then a numeric or alphanumeric sub
    e.g: dwyl.co/nelsonic/1 would be a directly link to my first item. This would 301 redirect to dwyl.com/items/1 (yes, in this case the actual URL is shorter than the "short" one ... but it's just for illustration)

What else? ๐Ÿ’ญ

The short domain dw.ly is available:

The only downside is dwly is a misspelling of dwyl ... which is bad from a branding perspective.
A more on-brand domain could be dwy.ly: https://domainr.com/dwy.ly?q=dwy.ly

A search on register.ly reveals the domain is not available:

Opened a separate issue for this: dwyl/linky#14