
Why NOT?

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Thinking of adding a "Why NOT" section to the readme with "reasons" why a person would not want to learn computer programming and other practical technology skills.

  • You deliberately avoid all forms of "modern" technology; there's nothing "wrong" with that,
    we think living a 100% "offline" would actually be quite liberating.
  • You prefer to be a "user" of technology but not be burdened with understanding it maintaining a state of "ignorance is bliss"
  • You won the lottery or inherited "enough" cash to never need to lift a finger again in your life
    and can pay someone else to do everything for you.

If you can think of other reasons NOT to learn tech skills, please share!

  • You don't have time, or at least, think you don't.
  • You feel there are many other more important, or equally important, things you can learn.
  • You feel that you aren't built for programming. It's far too alien a way of thinking.
  • You are overwhelmed by the sheer quantity and breadth to learn.