Codeship Project setup by one person in org is not automatically available to other *Owners* in GitHub Org
nelsonic opened this issue · 2 comments
When I attempt to access one of the builds on Codeship by clicking on one of the "crosses" on this list of pull requests: I am taken to an error page informing me that I don't have access to the project.
Raised the issue with codeship: see:
@jackcarlisle can you please help me get to the bottom of this (tomorrow) ?
Hi @jackcarlisle
Can you please confirm if you have added me to the CodeShip project for this repo?
When I attempt to visit:
I get error message:
Once JaySee invited me to the project on Codeship:
I still think that CodeShip should be smart enough to realise that if I have access to the module on GitHub (e.g. when I am an admin on the repo) that it makes sense to give me access to the project on Codeship... but hey. I have access now. so can close this issue.