
String with single or double quotes?

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You can represent a string with either single quotes or double quotes without any difference.

const hello1 = "hello";
const hello2 = 'hello';
hello1 == hello2; //true

To escape specific characters in a string use \

Dart style guide let you decide which one you prefer to use, just be consistent.
Flutter style guide recommend to use single quote: https://github.com/flutter/flutter/wiki/Style-guide-for-Flutter-repo#prefer-single-quotes-for-strings


@SimonLab good question, thanks for opening this issue. ๐Ÿ‘

We should use whatever the "Effective Dart" Linter enforces.
e.g: https://dart.dev/guides/language/effective-dart/usage#prefer-using-interpolation-to-compose-strings-and-values
(all the examples use single quotes)

And if you really want to be strict, use the "Pedantic" linter: https://pub.dev/packages/pedantic
which is what they use at Google.

See: https://medium.com/flutter-community/effective-code-in-your-flutter-app-from-the-beginning-e597444e1273

But yeah, the tl;dr is: single quotes for strings in Dart/Flutter. โœ…

to quote something inside string we need to use double quote 'Hello My Name is "Sirajul" ';