How long do the Redux Videos Take (Total Elapsed Time)?
nelsonic opened this issue ยท 4 comments
I'm busy writing a post on how long it takes to learn React, Redux, Immutable.js, Flow etc.
So, I need to know what the total running time is for the videos.
The duration of each video is shown next to the clock icon in the list of videos:
I could sit and manually add them up using mental arithmetic (or a calculator).
But where's the fun in that?
var len = document.getElementsByClassName('index__clockIcon__3s3nE').length; // number of vids
var sum = 0;
for(var i = 0; i < len; i++){
var parts = document.getElementsByClassName('index__clockIcon__3s3nE')[0]
.nextElementSibling.innerHTML.split(":"); // time value is next DOM element to the clock icon.
var m = parseInt(parts[0], 10) * 60; // multiply the minute figure by 60 sec.
var s = parseInt(parts[1], 10);
sum = sum + m + s;
console.log(sum / 60); // we accumulated the time in seconds so divide by 60. ;-)
Result: 66 minutes
Note: you can alter the playback speed to 1.5 or even double speed.
But I highly doubt a complete beginner is going to do that and still actually learn anything! ๐
Fun fact - Egghead teaches about Development & Security & its own website isn't secure.
Anyone can download their videos for free using youtube-dl
When I told them, there was no response ๐
@deadcoder0904 Yeah, I suspect they are making "enough" money to not care if people download. ๐ค
(I downloaded the videos when I was learning so I could watch them offline ...)
Good on you for reporting it to them. ๐