
This Repo/Tutorial Needs some TLC

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It seems like _ALL_ the "_Küel Kids_" are jumping on the React.js Bandwagon:

Mostly because Facebook are doing a great _Marketing Job_ of making it Fashionable...


But ...

_take_ a _moment_ to _think_ about _exactly_ what _problem_ we are _trying_ to _solve_ ...

instead of getting _sucked_ into using the _fashionable framework_,
we can (should) take step back and objectively consider what the people using our product/service want/need.


We would prefer to use native Web Components because they are a _Web Standard_: http://www.w3.org/standards/techs/components#w3c_all

But sadly, there is not yet widespread adoption for them in the major browsers: http://caniuse.com/#search=components

So, while we wait for Internet Explorer to catch up, we are thinking of using http://riotjs.com because its much smaller and thus faster-to-learn than anything else out there...


... so hot right now ...