
Which Version of Node.js Should you use in your .travis.yml file?

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We should update the readme to reflect the fact that a specific node.js version can be selected for test.

Always use the latest (TLS) version of node.

Tip: if you specify only the major number e.g. v4 travis will automatically use the latest stable.

IMHO, placing specific versions of node in the travis.yml is a recipe for deprecation. I usually run with the latest version:

language: node_js
 - "node"

If you really insist in putting a specific version, you are pretty much saying "I will always keep an eye on this tutorial to update it because every X months node releases a new stable version and in X - Y months this tutorial will be deprecated and may not aid new users" (like the TDD tut where people can't use ECMA 6).

With my suggestion, your tutorial would always be up to date. I am not against keeping an eye and maintaining tutorials, I just think that it is humanly impossible to keep every single tutorial dwyl has up to date and that sooner or later someone will stop caring.

Agreed. will be updating this. ๐Ÿ‘

Just as an fyi, a few of us in the current FAC cohort have come unstuck by copying an old node version into their travis.yml - an update would be much clearer. Thanks ๐Ÿ˜„

@rachaelcodes pull requests always welcome! ๐Ÿ˜‰
(apologies for the confusion/frustration ... ๐Ÿ˜• )