Financial Freedom/Independence ?
Opened this issue · 4 comments
It feels like a bit of an "oversight" to not have this "topic" represented anywhere in our "discussion" so far, perhaps because I always consider it "obvious" that we will be financially free from ("bad") debt (personal loans used to buy liabilities) and not having to work 9-to-5 at a "Job" in order to pay bills...
But the fact is that 99% of people are still economic "slaves" because of the debt they are encumbered by. e.g:
- paying off a house that isn't an "Asset"
- student loans for the degree they aren't using in their work
- a car loan for a vehicle that is way above their "means" (think brand new Lexus...)
One of our major goals in "Phase Two" is to help everyone achieve financial independence. If you have questions/ideas on this, please comment!!
What if people have none of these debts you talk about, but are still 'forced' to work to keep body and soul together? Is phase 2 going to bring sufficient income for people not to 'work' or is it going to feel like a permenent holiday because you're 'working' at something you love?
Hi @carolrmc, financial independence means having enough income to cover your costs.
But in Phase 2 our costs will be dramatically lower. Living "off grid" in a home we own and growing all our own food will eliminate most of the costs of living we currently face.
The costs we will need money for are Internet and any equipment or services we don't have in our local community. 😉
How 'Mr. Money Moustache' Retired at Age 30:
They live well on $25,000/year:
Also: "Don't Start a Blog, Start a Cult - Mr. Money Mustache":
One of our "Phase Two" goal(s) is to enable everyone in our community to achieve financial freedom.
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