
Attempting to PUT lock data without User relations raises

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When sending a PUT request editing a lock, it raises an error if existing user relations are not included,

you are attempting to change relation :users of SmartHomeAuth.Access.Door but the :on_replace option of this relation is set to :raise.

By default it is not possible to replace or delete embeds and
associations during cast. Therefore Ecto requires all existing
data to be given on update. Failing to do so results in this
error message.

If you want to replace data or automatically delete any data
not sent to cast, please set the appropriate :on_replace
option when defining the relation. The docs for Ecto.Changeset
covers the supported options in the "Associations, embeds and on
replace" section.

However, if you don't want to allow data to be replaced or
deleted, only updated, make sure that:

  • If you are attempting to update an existing entry, you
    are including the entry primary key (ID) in the data.

  • If you have a relationship with many children, at least
    the same N children must be given on update.