
no - position_interval

DonMaverick opened this issue · 7 comments

Hello together,
I can not find my error.

I have the interval set to 15 seconds in Homebridge.
And the link for the position.

        "position_url": "",
        "position_interval": 15000,
        "accessory": "BlindsHTTP"

(See attacht)

If I restart the homebridge service, it also gets the correct position once via the LINK.
But it does not update this.

What is the reason for this?

dxdc commented

Please add "verbose": true to your config, and share the logs for troubleshooting.

done. but where i find the log file?

dxdc commented

@DonMaverick It depends how you are running homebridge. E.g., system service, pm2, etc.

Something like this may help:

dxdc commented

It's not really OS-specific. It has to do with the service you use to run it. Please check the links I supplied and/or search for finding the logs in your specific set up.

dxdc commented

@DonMaverick were you able to solve this?

I'm curious if you were using jsonata to parse the position output? I did find a bug, which I've since fixed. So, would appreciate if you can update to the latest version and see if it's still an issue. If it is, please post your config and I may have some more ideas.

dxdc commented

I'm going to assume this is no longer an issue, but if you are still having problems, please install the latest version of the plugin and report any issues you have along with your config.